A statement of the public tenders that were previously published in Al-Ahram and Al-Gomhouria newspapers on 12/21/2020, in which it was decided to postpone the bid opening sessionMian/Tenders/A statement of the public tenders that were previously published in Al-Ahram and Al-Gomhouria newspapers on 12/21/2020, in which it was decided to postpone the bid opening session
A statement of the public tenders that were previously published in Al-Ahram and Al-Gomhouria newspapers on 12/21/2020, in which it was decided to postpone the bid opening session

DATE:  2021-01-05 02:25:02 PM

شركة مياة الشرب بالاسكندرية - البوابة الالكترونية

تاجيل جلسة فتح المظارف الفنية للمناقصات العامة التالية
بيان بالمناقصات العامة التى سبق نشرها بجريدتى الاهرام والجمهورية بتاريخ 21/12/2020 والذى تقرر تأجيل جلسة فتح المظاريف الفنية لها على النحو التالى :