Brief history of the company
The Drinking Water Company was established in 1860 as an Egyptian-French company and turned into an English company on March 29, 1879 with limited liability. It continued to operate under the English administration until March 1954, when the administration was Egyptianized under the supervision of the first Egyptian director.
In June 1958, a law was passed to convert this company from an English company with limited liability to an Egyptian joint stock company
On July 20, 1961, Law No. 117 of 1961 was issued establishing the board of directors of the nationalized company, headed by the Governor of Alexandria.
On October 10, 1965, Ministerial Resolution No. 1243 was issued assigning the technical and administrative supervision of the facilities of the drinking water stations in Abu Qir, Nubariya and Abu Homs to the Alexandria Water Company, in addition to its original specialization.
On November 30, 1968, Republican Decree 1639 of 1968 was issued to transform the Alexandria Water Company into a governmental economic body concerned with the management and exploitation of facilities and facilities attached to it, on which the Drinking Water Company was based, in addition to the Nubaria and Mariout water operations and their networks, including the Western Desert water pipeline.
On December 23, 1971, Presidential Decree No. 2420 of 1971 was issued to organize the government apparatus, and included that the authority be affiliated to Alexandria Governorate.
The Alexandria Water Authority continued to practice its activities in this situation until Presidential Decree No. 135 of 2004 was issued to transfer the water and sanitation authorities to the company and to be affiliated with the holding company in accordance with this decision.
We seek to achieve leadership in the field of water system management in the Middle East and to provide distinguished services for the development of our society
the message
Commitment to applying the latest technological methods in the field of drinking water purification according to the Egyptian standard standards to provide our services with distinguished quality to customers in Alexandria Governorate and areas of the governorates of Beheira and Matrouh, through the best human competencies. We are committed to our environmental responsibilities while preserving the rights of future generations in water.
General goals
Drawing a distinct mental image among customers based on leadership and development
Reducing losses by 2% annually
Maximizing revenues and developing investments
Preserving water resources and improving their use while preserving the environment in a sustainable manner
Enabling capabilities and enhancing innovation motives to contribute to development
Increasing the company's competitive capabilities at the local and international levels
Developing the infrastructure of information and communication systems and keeping pace with the continuous development in technology
Developing the role of community participation and strengthening communication between the company and the community
quality policy
Effective application of the quality, environment, occupational safety and health management system in accordance with the requirements of the international standard OHSAS 18001: 2007, ISO 14001: 2015, ISO 9001: 2015 for all sectors and departments of the company, while constantly updating it to accommodate and accept the needs and requirements of the customer to reach the highest level of customer service.
Establish and implement quality, environment, occupational safety and health goals for the various sectors of the company and review them periodically with the quality, environment, occupational safety and health policy through management review meetings for evaluation, improvement and continuous development, and that this policy represents a framework that clarifies the goals of quality, occupational safety and health and the environment
The company will operate on the principle of following all safety and occupational health instructions and instructions and environmental instructions that ensure the provision of a safe work environment free of risks in order to preserve the human element and property from accidents, loss and damage, and protect workers from injuries resulting from work hazards and reduce environmental pollution. The company also undertakes to continuously improve the efficiency of system performance (quality / environment / occupational safety and health).
Constant keenness to uphold the spirit of competition and initiative, and keenness on continuous training for the company’s employees, while maximizing the sense of ownership and commitment that guarantees the provision of an effective organizational climate that helps the success of internal operations and achieve the best results.
The company undertakes to oblige the third parties dealing with it to the requirements of this policy that apply to their activities in terms of operations or (use - maintenance) of equipment or the performance of any services
The company undertakes to abide by the legislation, laws, requirements, international specifications and regulations in force in the field of quality, environment, occupational safety and health as a minimum for the efficiency of the system.
core values
The success of the strategic plan requires a set of core values, and those values must have continuous processes to turn into effective actions
Excellence in performance is the main axis of the company's core values, which is considered a basic motive for four main components of the company's mission, which is technology, providing distinguished service to customers, community service, environmental development and sustainable development by preserving future generations in water
Customer Orientation: Our motto is the customer is the supreme head of the company
Job satisfaction and belonging
Transparency, accountability and justice: one of the most important pillars of the company's continuous advancement
Teamwork and perfection: consolidating the principle of team spirit and integration between the company's sectors and within each sector, which reflects perfection on the results.
Maintaining safety
Excellence in performance
Orientation towards social responsibility
61 El Horreya Street - Alexandria
Number of administrative branches and stations
The company serves all regions through (17) administrative branches and (10) production stations
Areas covered by the company
Company service areas
Muddy water sources