Achievements of the production and distribution sector in the West and North Coast

Engineer / Walid Khader Al-Ajami
Head of the West and North Coast production and distribution sector
Agami Engineering:-•
Implementing 4 projects w
283,100 thousand pounds.
• Alexandria Governorate Umm Zaghyou passenger station project in front of Noah Mosque, 50% of the amount of 165,000 pounds paid, with a length of 700 metres.
• Al-Dhahur Street project, shipping and distribution housing, in the name of Hassan Ashraf, the full amount of 52,000 pounds paid for 136 meters.
• Jaber Hafez Street project, 50% of the amount paid, amounting to 35,000 pounds, 48 meters.
• Al-Salam Street project, Salafi Al-Saleh Mosque, paid in full, amounting to 31,100, with a length of 30 meters.
• Carrying out network washing work in the areas of Al-Bitash, Hanovil, and Abu Youssef.
• The 12" line was relayed to the Alexandria/Matrouh and Dakhla October roads, and all faults were repaired and all types of pipes with all diameters from 12" to 32 mm were maintained at a cost of 100,000 pounds.
• A classic project in Hanoville, 300 meters of 6” plastic, was completed at a cost of 633,402 pounds.
• Work is underway on the Mohamed Moussa project in Hanoville, and the implementation of 200 meters of 4" flexible cast iron pipes and 800 meters of 6" flexible cast iron pipes has been completed at a cost of 2,924,011 pounds.
• Replacement and renewal of 5 bluffs connecting the main plastic pipe with the tanks of the station in Mansheya 1.
• Replacing and renewing the pipes connecting the sewer to each other under the operating filters in Al-Mansheya 1.
• Replacing and renewing the pumps (1-2-3-4-5) in the main house of the furnace with changing the suction and expulsion lines, wasting the house, and changing all the bluffs.
Al-Qabbari Engineering:-
• Bashaer Al-Khair project work.
• Continuation of Bashir Al Khair 3 (work in progress).
• Bashayer Al-Khair 5 works (75% of the project has been implemented).
• Replacing and renewing 4 layers on two 1000 mm diameter lines above the 90 meter long cooling canal, connecting the two lines with a 500 mm diameter coil and installing 2 1000 mm diameter coils for each line.
• Replacement and renewal of the 1000 mm diameter line, Ibn Al-Warqa Street, Al-Wardian, Al-Rahman Mosque, next to the railway, with a length of 50 solid meters.
• Replacement and renewal of a 700 mm diameter Yunus Palmex line in front of the pumps with a length of 50 solid meters.
• Replacement and renewal of part of the 700 mm diameter Yunus line at Al-Shabouri fishery in Mix, with a solid length of 10 metres.
• Replacement and renewal works of a 500 mm diameter line within the Alexandria/Petroleum Company with a length of 750 solid meters.
• Replacement and renewal of a 600 mm diameter blast furnace line with a length of 50 meters of steel.
• Raising the old canal ditch, 2 old water lines and a pipe carrier of about 65 tons.
• Implementation of a 700 mm diameter line selected on the petroleum site in the ditch canal, with a length of 110 solid meters.
• The Nile line, 1000 mm in diameter, was repaired within the gas company due to a crack in the radius of the line, and the thing was returned to its original state to the company.
• Replacement and renewal of a 1000 mm diameter line, 25 meters long, with 12” missing work as the last intakes in Bashayer Al Khair 5 on Street 218.
• Replacement and renewal of a 700 mm diameter line in front of Al-Shabouri Palmex Restaurant, with a length of 10 metres.
Engineering of 6 October and the coast:-
• Washing the main lines according to the network washing plan 2021/2022.
• Implementing 4 Bahri operations, 4” long, 54 meters long (self-effort) for an amount of 128,670 pounds.
• Work is underway on the 12" Zahr project on the main Abu Talat Street, with a length of 700 linear meters + branches + transportation of 73 people’s connections (self-effort) at a cost of approximately 8 million.
• Implementation of 1 residential operations (Bahri - Alexandria - Matrouh), 4" long, 120 m (self-effort) at a cost of 16,126 pounds.
• 8 rooms for large-diameter valves were built, and work is underway on the rest of the rooms at a cost of 180,000 pounds.
Al-Mansheya Station 1:-
• TSM certification has been obtained.
Jaraya furnace:-
• The TSM certificate has been renewed.
Burj Al Arab Coastal:-
• Replacing and renewing part of the 1000 mm concrete line, Project No. 1/B for the year 2021/2022, on Al-Gharbaniyat Road, next to the railway station, with a length of 200 1000 mm flexible cast pipes + 50 meters of steel pipes, at an initial cost of (3,967,180 pounds).
• The removal of solid steel was completed and the process of replacing and renewing it was completed and it entered the warehouses.
• A number of 15 connections were surreptitiously removed on the 12" diameter line on the coastal road like 57 Qibli, and the 12" diameter pipes that had violations were changed and entered into the coastal tower lifter.
• One 12" diameter strainer, Al-Gharbaniyyat, was installed in front of the 12" meter of the Amriya Cement Factory.
• Replacing and renewing the laying of 6” inch diameter pipes, Project No. 3, Model A, Ezbet Al-Manshiyat Al-Jawira Al-Gharbaniyyat area. It is necessary to improve the pressures at a length of 846, at an initial cost of (371,152 pounds)
• Operation No. (1) Form (C) for the year 2021/2022, Sahel Road, Kilo 35, behind Al-Zahraa Supermarket, was completed. Pipes were laid and a 4’’ outlet with a length of 162 meters was made at an initial cost of 81,945,600 pounds in the name of Samira Helmy Mohamed Helmy.
• Work is underway to implement Project No. 12 Model B for the year 2021/2022 on the Hassan Allam Road, with a length of 13 km on the eastern and western sides, from the old Burj Al Arab toll roads to the coastal road at kilometer 48, relaying and laying 12-inch diameter plastic and flexible cast pipes at an initial cost of 18,571,176 due to the road expansions and construction. An overhead bridge and the passage of the international road intersecting with Hassan Allam Road
• It was completed to connect a 1000 mm steel diameter line to a 12-inch diameter line for the Gharbaniyyat to improve the pressures in the 12” line in the Gharbaniyyat area, Al-Jawira - Al-Nahda - Al-Mansheya, Al-Hamam Road, at an estimated cost of (104,583) and the outlet was implemented by self-effort under the heading of maintenance work.
• Inspections were completed for (4) schools within the Decent Life Initiative, and the necessary inspections were carried out in the following schools:
• 1- Markia School 2. Marshal Street School 3. Nag Misbah School 4. Al-Jawira School
• Assays were made and sent to the administrative department for payment.
• The implementation work of 3 schools belonging to the Educational Buildings Authority has been completed
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ith a length of 914 meters and a diameter of 4” at an estimated cost of about