Consumer instructionsMian/Topics Of Interest/Consumer instructions
Consumer instructions

DATE:  2016-12-27 02:08:10 PM

شركة مياة الشرب بالاسكندرية - البوابة الالكترونية

Dear customer :
If the meter cannot be read, it will set a default reading for you, which leads to:
Putting an estimated amount of consumption that is greater than the actual, and thus the bill value becomes higher than the normal rate.
Putting an estimated consumption amount less than the actual one, which leads to the accumulation of readings and their appearance at a very high level when actually reading them afterwards.
Therefore, please make it easier for the meter reader to complete his task by:
Opening the place where the counters are located in case it is closed.
Periodically cleaning the place where the meters are located, and cleaning the meters for ease of reading them properly.
Providing the means that help the reader to complete his task, such as placing a chair or ladder in the case of high places, or making way for the reader.
Report any damaged, broken or destroyed meter.
Applying for a “lock order” in the case of unused places.
Do not use any illegal links without the company's knowledge.
Expedite the request to install a meter in the absence of a meter.
Expedite the repair of any damaged siphon or connection inside your apartment to conserve water and your bill.