Water secretsMian/Topics Of Interest/Water secrets
Water secrets

DATE:  2017-09-12 09:03:53 AM

شركة مياة الشرب بالاسكندرية - البوابة الالكترونية

water on Earth's surface:
The earth is described as the planet of water, and water constitutes 70% of the land area. The fact is that 97% of the water within its scope is highly saline water that is not suitable for life. Only 3% of the total water on the surface of the earth is fresh water, of which 70% is unavailable water represented by glaciers. And ice.
The amount of fresh water consumed by humans is currently equivalent to 10% of renewable natural resources annually, while about 65% is lost in the seas and 12% is lost in uninhabited and unexploited areas. Part leaks into the soil, and the last part is lost through evaporation.
Water in the human body:
Water makes up 65% of a person's weight.
The human body uses water in carrying out the processes of respiration, metabolism, excretion, regulating body temperature, dissolving nutrients and transporting them through the body, and maintaining the balance of the acidity level and concentration needed for chemical reactions within the body.
A person needs 2.4 liters of water per day (which ranges between 6-8 cups of water per day).
Water's unique chemical and physical properties:
The strong bond:

Water consists of sticky, cohesive molecules, one molecule consists of the bonding of an oxygen atom with two hydrogen atoms, and it is expressed in the formula H2O, and this bond takes place according to a strong covalent bond with a value of 30-100 kilocalories / mol. Without this, the boiling point of water would be (-80 C). And its freezing point is (-100 m), and it is impossible for water to exist in the form of liquid and solid on the surface of the earth, and life is impossible, so who other than God knows the properties of both oxygen and hydrogen and knows that if they form molecules, they will not exist in a liquid or solid state unless the bond that connects them is a strong hydrogen bond .
Large heat capacity of water:
It is known that the boiling point of water is high due to the strength of its participatory bond, so it absorbs a large thermal capacity in order to evaporate, as each gram of liquid water needs 540 calories to turn into steam, and this property gives water a unique role in transferring the capacity from one place to another, so the water that evaporates from the oceans The wind drives it hundreds and thousands of kilometers to cold places, so when the vapor cools and granulates and falls in the form of raindrops, it spreads with it the energy that it absorbed during its evaporation, and contributes to raising the temperature in those areas and softening the temperature of the air, as well as during snowfall. In the year 520 thousand cubic kilometers of water.
Expansion of water when it solidifies:
There is another unique feature of water, we know that all known solids decrease in volume when they cool down, and this is true in all known types of liquids, and during the decrease in volume the density increases, and therefore the cold parts of the liquid become heavier, and for this reason the solid forms of materials weigh more (by volume) than Being in liquid form, but there is one case in which this law does not apply, which is the case of water, as it, like all liquids, shrinks in volume whenever it becomes colder, and it does so only as long as its temperature is above four degrees Celsius, but as soon as it reaches four degrees Celsius, unlike For known liquids, it begins to expand, and finally when it freezes, it expands more than that, and as a result of the hardening and expansion of water, its weight becomes lighter than liquid water, so it floats on the surface of the water, and this wonderful property has a great benefit for those aquatic organisms that live in cold and frozen areas, when the temperature drops Water in winter in water basins (river - lake - sea) as a result of the low temperature of the surrounding atmosphere, the surface water layer freezes, expands and increases in density, so it floats on the surface of the water and forms a natural buffer between the cold atmosphere and the water below the basin, so this special layer contributes to lowering the water temperature And its moderation, which prevents the freezing of the water basin, and this natural insulator, in addition to the heat spread from freezing ice, contributes to softening the water temperature and preserving the life of aquatic organisms and sparing them the danger of freezing and death.

water volume:
1000 cubic centimeters weigh exactly one kilogram (at 4 degrees Celsius) and water is used according to this as a basis for comparing the weights of different materials and determining the specific gravity of each material.

The  surface  tension of   water is high.
As a result of the forces of attraction between water molecules, it is noted that the value of the surface tension of water is very high and amounts to 72 milli Newton / meter, which is higher than atmospheric pressure. It is also responsible for moving water in the pores, voids, channels and micro-cracks in the soil and rocks to the top until the surface tension of the water is equal to the force of gravity, which makes it easier for the roots of plants to obtain water in dry and desert areas.

The value of the dielectric constant of water is very high:
Water, thanks to its very large dielectric constant, is considered one of the most powerful solvents, as it can dissolve any rock on the surface of the earth, and water slowly breaks down granite and withdraws or absorbs easily soluble parts from it, so the waters of rivers, streams, and streams carry the dissolved impurities in them and throw them into the oceans where salts accumulate. And impurities throughout the ages, so the water of the seas and oceans is saturated with salts, minerals, and impurities, which in turn prevent the water from being contaminated, stinking, and turning into swamps, so most marine life dies, and this characteristic is of great importance to the plant. Vegetarianism, may God bless you, the best of creators.
Ideal viscosity of water:
Liquids have high degrees of difference in their viscosity. The viscosity of tar, glycerin, olive oil, and sulfuric acid are examples that differ greatly from each other, and when we compare such liquids with water, this difference becomes significantly greater. Water is ten million times more liquid than tar, a thousand times more than glycerin, and a hundred times more liquid. Once of olive oil and twenty times of sulfuric acid.
From this comparison, we discover that water has a lower possible viscosity than other liquid substances, with the exception of ether, liquid hydrogen, and gases. Thanks to this feature, all the vital activities of the cells proceed in harmony and ease, such as the different stages of embryo formation and the flow of blood inside the veins and arteries to carry oxygen, food, and hormones. All these activities will stop if The viscosity of water was higher.