Head of the Alexandria Water Company: Discussing customer problems and solving them within the commercial sector planMian/News/Head of the Alexandria Water Company: Discussing customer problems and solving them within the commercial sector plan
Head of the Alexandria Water Company: Discussing customer problems and solving them within the commercial sector plan

DATE:  2021-01-24 04:13:11 PM

شركة مياة الشرب بالاسكندرية - البوابة الالكترونية

Head of the Alexandria Water Company: Discussing customer problems and solving them within the commercial sector plan
Engineer Ahmed Gaber, President of the Drinking Water Company in Alexandria, met with the leaders of the commercial, production and distribution sector to discuss any obstacles related to the commercial sector and overcome any difficulties facing customers.
He discussed the role of meter management in reviewing monthly readings and correcting illogical readings, and followed up on the situation of installing prepaid meters and recording the readings via the Qiraati application.
He stressed the need to inventory the stopped meters, develop a plan for repair or change, and inventory all violations and infringements on the drinking water network as they have an impact on water pressure.
He pointed out the importance of analyzing the company’s publications and preparations for the past three years, identifying any problems and examining ways to solve them. He explained that the company seeks to improve the services provided to citizens within the framework of the directives of the Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities and the Holding Company for Potable Water and Sanitation.