Engineer Ahmed Jaber, Chairman of the Board of Directors, honors Lieutenant Colonel Khaled Tharwat, Head of Karmouz InvestigationsMian/News/Engineer Ahmed Jaber, Chairman of the Board of Directors, honors Lieutenant Colonel Khaled Tharwat, Head of Karmouz Investigations
Engineer Ahmed Jaber, Chairman of the Board of Directors, honors Lieutenant Colonel Khaled Tharwat, Head of Karmouz Investigations

DATE:  2021-02-11 12:33:25 PM

شركة مياة الشرب بالاسكندرية - البوابة الالكترونية

Engineer Ahmed Jaber, Chairman of the Board of Directors, honored Lieutenant Colonel Khaled Tharwat, Head of Karmouz Investigations, in appreciation of the effort he made in supporting and assisting the men of Moharram Bey Branch within the scope of Karmouz Department and for overcoming all obstacles they face while performing their work.
Lieutenant Colonel Khaled Tharwat stressed the need for the Ministry of Interior to provide assistance and support to all executive authorities in Alexandria Governorate, led by the Drinking Water Company.
The honor was also attended by the agent of the Muharram Bek branch, Mr. Reda Al-Maskani, the company’s technical advisor, Mr. Rayan, and the company’s public relations.