Taiba convoy in Nag Hafid in Nasiriyah, raising awareness about the importance of water rationalizationMian/News/Taiba convoy in Nag Hafid in Nasiriyah, raising awareness about the importance of water rationalization
Taiba convoy in Nag Hafid in Nasiriyah, raising awareness about the importance of water rationalization

DATE:  2021-09-22 11:13:13 AM

شركة مياة الشرب بالاسكندرية - البوابة الالكترونية

The Awareness Department of the Drinking Water Company in Alexandria, in partnership with the General Department of Environmental Awareness of the Sanitation Company in Alexandria and the Hope Village Association for Development and Social Rehabilitation of the Mentally Disabled, organized a medical convoy in Nag Hafeez in Nasiriyah to educate the ladies present about the importance of rationalizing water consumption and introduce them to the latest services provided by the company and washing methods. Carpets without wasting water.
Brochures were distributed, interactive games were organized for children, and in-kind gifts were distributed to all participating children. The General Department of Customer Service also responded to citizens’ complaints and inquiries.