Announcement of students nominated to take theoretical tests and personal interviews for the Technical School of Drinking Water and SanitationMian/News/Announcement of students nominated to take theoretical tests and personal interviews for the Technical School of Drinking Water and Sanitation
Announcement of students nominated to take theoretical tests and personal interviews for the Technical School of Drinking Water and Sanitation

DATE:  2022-07-02 11:33:28 AM

شركة مياة الشرب بالاسكندرية - البوابة الالكترونية

Announcement of students nominated to take theoretical tests and personal interviews for the Technical School of Drinking Water and Sanitation

Our children are students of the preparatory certificate applying for admission to a new batch of students in the first year of industrial secondary school for the academic year 2022-2023 at the Industrial Technical Secondary School for Drinking Water and Sanitation for Boys in Alexandria in the Abdel Qader area of the Amriya Department - Alexandria.
* You can now inquire about the students nominated to take the theoretical tests and the personal interview through the company’s website or through the following direct link jrebranch.php
*And print Form No. (1), which will appear when you inquire with the application number and come to the school headquarters at the time specified in the form and the documents shown in the form, which are: -
- Original certificate of completion of basic education (preparatory)
- Computer copy of birth certificate
- A copy of the guardian’s national ID card.
- Form No. (1) printed from the website when inquiring about the application number
*Important note
- Priority is given to the highest group
- If you forget the application number when inquiring on the website, you can retrieve it via the I forgot the application number link and inquire about it using the student’s national number.
- Applications that violate the terms of the announcement or preparatory certificates issued to governorates other than the announced governorates will not be accepted.
- The school’s geographical location on Google Maps
- The company provides transportation to the school (buses) during the exam period to facilitate the students. Its location (assembly point) is in Misr Station Square in front of the train station. The time for moving to school is at exactly seven in the morning and back again after the exams are over.
- Thank you for your presence, with our sincere wishes of success to everyone
Greetings from the Alexandria Drinking Water Company
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