Determine a date for those who are absent from attending to take the theoretical tests and the personal interviewMian/News/Determine a date for those who are absent from attending to take the theoretical tests and the personal interview
Determine a date for those who are absent from attending to take the theoretical tests and the personal interview

DATE:  2022-07-03 10:29:38 AM

شركة مياة الشرب بالاسكندرية - البوابة الالكترونية

Determine a date for those who are absent from attending to take the theoretical tests and the personal interview


Our children are middle school students applying for admission to a new batch of first year industrial secondary school students for the school year 2022-2023.

Industrial technical secondary school for drinking water and sanitation for boys in Alexandria, in the Abdel Qader area, affiliated with the Amriya department - Alexandria.

It was decided to set Wednesday, 7/6/2022

A time for those who were absent from attending the theoretical exams and the personal interview

For all governorates (Alexandria, Matrouh, North Sinai, South Sinai, and the Red Sea) at the school headquarters

This is at eight o'clock in the morning

A bus is provided to transport absentees from Misr station, “Bab Al-Mahatta,” and it departs at 7 a.m

While adhering to all stated conditions

Greetings from the Alexandria Drinking Water Company

- #Drinking_Water_Company_in_Alexandria

- #Technology_and_Digital_Services_Sector

- #General_Administration_of_Electronic_Services

- #Electronic_Portal_Management


Thank you