Engineer Ahmed Gaber, head of the Alexandria Drinking Water CompanyMian/News/Engineer Ahmed Gaber, head of the Alexandria Drinking Water Company
Engineer Ahmed Gaber, head of the Alexandria Drinking Water Company

DATE:  2023-01-16 11:35:00 AM

شركة مياة الشرب بالاسكندرية - البوابة الالكترونية

Engineer Ahmed Gaber, head of the Alexandria Drinking Water Company,
inspected the work of replacing and renewing two drinking water lines with a diameter of 1,000 ml, from the Mansheya station, which feeds the Dekheila cranes and those passing by under the Qabbari-Matrouh railway plan, which is more than 20 years old.

Jaber said that there was corrosion of the two lines, under the railway, which was difficult to repair in their place, and therefore the lines were withdrawn and replaced with new lines, in coordination with the railway and oil companies, and work began to stop the 1,000-mile line from the Mansheya station and isolate it, and the line was cut from both sides. A valve was installed in half to control the water.

He stressed the continuous work around the clock to change the old lines with the new ones, noting that they passed through the Tusun Abu Qir area, the councilors’ residences and the school square, and headed to the fish wealth area due to the presence of some rainwater accumulations.

This comes within the framework of the efforts of drinking water and sanitation companies in the governorates of the Republic to deal with the heavy amounts of rainwater and storm water over the past days, which continues until now in the governorates of Lower Egypt and Alexandria.