Alexandria Water hosts a workshop for implementing the risk analysis plan for integrity support operations..
Within the framework of the directives of Mr. Engineer Mamdouh Raslan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Holding Company for Drinking Water and Wastewater, Mr. Engineer Ahmed Jaber, Chairman and Managing Director of the Drinking Water Company in Alexandria, inaugurated a risk analysis workshop for the process of rationalizing the consumption of raw materials "alum and chlorine", in order to carry out a risk analysis, And come up with unified work procedures and procedures supporting integrity that work to bridge gaps and develop work mechanisms, with the participation of drinking water and wastewater companies in the governorates of: Alexandria, Cairo, Giza, Sharkia, Fayoum, Beheira, Matrouh, Canal cities.
During his speech, Mr. Engineer Ahmed Jaber stressed the importance of rationalizing the consumption of raw materials, especially alum and chlorine, which will save large sums of money for companies. He also stressed the necessity of periodic use of chlorine cylinders and not accumulating them for long periods, taking into account the validity of the cylinders for use and the duration of storage.
The workshop dealt with the analysis of the work procedures for rationalizing the consumption of alum and chlorine, starting with identifying needs, receiving and entering the station, carrying out the necessary analyzes and determining doses, and conducting laboratory measurements up to calculating consumptions. During the workshop, the system of alum and chlorine work inside the stations of the participating companies was identified, as the different procedures for each company were presented, and their unification was taken into account in a manner that is compatible with all companies.
At the end of the workshop, Mr. Ahmed Jaber distributed certificates of attendance to the participants from the subsidiaries, and he emphasized the importance of exchanging experiences between companies, which enhances obtaining more effective work outputs.
This comes within the framework of implementing the operational plan for the Integrity Support Departments for the year 2023, and based on the direction of the Quality and Integrity Support Department of the Holding Company in standardizing work procedures in the various operations between companies to develop preventive measures supporting integrity that protect companies from the risks of corruption.
It is worth noting that the Integrity Support Program is one of the programs implemented within the Nile Delta Water Management Program project of the German Agency for International Cooperation (NDWM-GIZ) implemented in Egypt.