Under the patronage of Eng. Ahmed Gaber, Chairman and Managing Director, Alexandria Drinking Water Company announces the Ramadan competition (1446 AH - 2025 AD) through the company's electronic portal https://alexwater.com.eg/
Contest details: -
1. The competition is available to everyone.
2. To enter the competition, contestants must register their data and create a personal file
3- The entry number is (any number you choose and keep it to enter in addition to the password)
4. The competition consists of 3 multiple-choice questions daily.
5. Contestants can follow up on their previous answer scores and all their participations during the holy month
6. To be a candidate for winning daily, the three questions must be solved correctly
7. Take care to write down the phone number correctly so that the winners can be contacted.
8. Three winners are selected daily in an automated random manner.
9. The winners are announced daily through the company's official Facebook page
10. The competition starts on the first day of the holy month
11. The prizes are delivered to the winners through the Marketing Department, where they are contacted by phone
The competition is organized by the Electronic Portal Department - Marketing Department
Prizes (daily)
- First Prize (300 EGP)
- Second Prize (200 EGP)
- Third Prize (150 EGP)
- The best (10) participants who achieve the highest scores during the month are honored (550 EGP) for each of them
With our best wishes for success to all participants, God willing
And every year, you are well
With the compliments of the Alexandria Drinking Water Company
Ramadan is the month of goodness