Prisoner treatment projectMian/Employees services/Prisoner treatment project
Prisoner treatment project

DATE:  2018-05-09 03:18:42 PM

شركة مياة الشرب بالاسكندرية - البوابة الالكترونية

The Alexandria Drinking Water Company is pleased to announce the family health care program that the company offers to serve its employees

Which aims to establish a health care system distinguished by its quality and safety

Services provided by the family treatment project within the Alexandria Drinking Water Company:

Conducting examinations and x-rays in contracted centers, laboratories and hospitals
Hospital treatment, operations and endoscopy according to the degree contracted with each hospital ... Diagnostic and therapeutic cardiac catheterization ... Installation of balloons and stents ... Chemotherapy and radiation therapy for tumors
Pregnancy ultrasound 4 times during pregnancy
Kidney dialysis until the medical commission's decision is issued
Natural delivery, cesarean section, curettage and cleaning
Open heart operations including valves

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