Opening of the customer service center at the Borg El Arab branch in Alexandria GovernorateMian/News/Opening of the customer service center at the Borg El Arab branch in Alexandria Governorate
Opening of the customer service center at the Borg El Arab branch in Alexandria Governorate

DATE:  2018-11-04 11:04:14 AM

شركة مياة الشرب بالاسكندرية - البوابة الالكترونية


A day filled with achievements, giving, and ambition
Within the framework of providing better services to the Alexandrian public, and in line with the comprehensive and purposeful strategic plan to develop customer service outlets at the Alexandria Drinking Water Company, and under the patronage of Eng. Ahmed Gaber, Chairman and Managing Director, the Customer Service Center was inaugurated today at the Borg El Arab branch in Alexandria Governorate. The center serves to meet all the needs of the residents of the Borg El Arab area and receive all complaints and constructive suggestions on an ongoing basis. The outlet aims to provide our customers in the Borg El Arab area with the necessary information and data regarding how to pay bills and conclude new contracts, in addition to handling public suggestions and complaints in a precise and thoughtful manner.

Engineer Ahmed Gaber cut the ribbon to open the outlet in Borg El Arab. He was received by a group of senior company leaders, including sector heads, general managers, department and branch managers, and heads of various customer service outlets at the Alexandria Water Company. The ceremony was held in an atmosphere of joy, reflecting the resounding success of the planned execution in a proper and organized manner.

The Chairman and Managing Director then continued his tour by conducting a field visit to the Borg El Arab Administrative Branch to ensure that work was proceeding optimally. He interacted directly with the public to learn about their requests and complaints, and to monitor the level of development of service delivery to further enhance it to the satisfaction of our valued customers. He also visited the Amiriya branch to inspect the workflow at the engineering and administrative branches. He then held a small meeting in the office of the Amiriya branch manager, accountant Ibrahim Qutb, accompanied by Engineer Mahmoud Salama, General Manager of Southern Networks, and several employees from the branch's collection, subscriptions, arrears, and audit departments.

The meeting resulted in a set of recommendations stated by Eng. Ahmed Jaber, the most important of which was the necessity of maintaining the standard of success in work within the branch and continuously monitoring the performance level of collectors and meter readers to maintain the level of service provided to residents in the best possible manner. Eng. Ahmed Jaber concluded the meeting with words of thanks and appreciation for the efforts made by his sons working in the commercial sector in the previous period due to the epic integrated and coordinated work between the engineering and administrative sectors within the branches.