Under the directives of Eng. Ahmed Gaber, Chairman and Managing Director, the second training course to raise the efficiency of network engineers and technicians was held within the framework of the Integrity Support Program during the period from 4 to 5 November 2018 for the first experimental engineering branches in which the program is applied: Mandara, Ajami, Moharram Bek, Nubaria.
The training course addressed the role of the Integrity Support Department and the home connections maintenance plan that the department is implementing in the engineering branches to work on changing traditional concepts and methods and spreading a unified advanced culture in all engineering branches.
The course also included learning about the types of connections, making measurements, washing networks and types of pipes, and other important branches in the field of networks.
It is worth noting that the course also aimed to exchange experiences between trainers and trainees alike, who expressed their happiness and benefit, in addition to achieving the principle of participation, which is one of the principles of integrity support.
The trainees were qualified by Eng. Fawzy Salmona, General Manager of Nubaria and Mariout Networks, who covered the scientific material of the networks, and Ms. Yasser Salah, General Manager of Board of Directors Affairs, who provided an introduction to the Integrity Support Department. Finally, Eng. Fawzy Salmona, in the presence of Eng. Khaled Sultan, handed the trainees the certificate of completion of the training course.