Employee's Rights and Duties

Speech by the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Managing Director
In light of the state’s vision to achieve a comprehensive and ambitious plan for the Egyptian administrative system and raise all institutions, and to achieve comprehensive sustainable development within the framework of Egypt’s Vision 2023, and within the framework of the Holding Company for Potable Water and Wastewater’s interest in developing and building the capabilities of human cadres, and paying attention to the quality and sustainability of the services provided.
Accordingly, the integrated reform system required the preparation of a code of professional conduct for the Alexandria Drinking Water Company to help us fulfill our responsibility and accomplish the work in the correct manner in accordance with laws and ethical practices and to emphasize the values that must be observed in the administrative apparatus of the state, the rights and duties of the public employee and the regulatory procedures necessary to approve them, in a way that achieves the interests of the state. employees, ensures customer satisfaction, and leads to raising the quality of services provided. We are pleased to launch this code, which aims to establish the rules of job conduct for employees, which is a set of professional rules and standards related to the rights of employees, as well as their duties towards the company and towards the administrative apparatus of the state in general.
introduction :
The Code of Conduct and Public Job Ethics is a general framework that a public employee must adhere to and work in accordance with. It is a code that sheds light on the standards, ethics and values that a public employee must have while performing his duties. Therefore, they are rules that will contribute effectively to improving the level of service quality. Public service, improving it, raising the level of quality, developing performance, and serving citizens.
Since the Code forms part of the work requirements for civil service employees, which they must apply at all times, violation of the provisions in this Code is considered a violation of the requirements of job duty, which results in taking disciplinary and penal measures against the employee in accordance with the legal legislation regulating that.
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